When I am ready to buy, I dress in my normal way or if it is during my lunch break/just after work, Business casual. Those who know me like to see me like this as it usually means a sale/commission now! Sometimes I am still ignored by lazy or judgemental salespeople who remember the Los Angeles Christen Press shirt Also,
I will get this ‘dreamer’ but living in a relatively small community and being in an older age group, not elderly but I have clothes bought new that are older than most bartenders in trendy bars! I have worked with or known the supervisors/managers for a while usually and I get the assistance I now want and they get the sale. It happens easily 99% of the time when I dine out with my wife and kids. The wife and I tend to wear hoodies, I wear sweats or sometimes khakis. The wife wears blue jeans.
Buy this shirt: https://nemoshirt.com/product/los-angeles-christen-press-shirt/