The first day of my Mental Health ward (I was there for 6 days). I had tried to kill myself with all of my meds. I really wanted to die was why I was there in the first place. There are a lot of other signs that this wedding was a mistake, and I won’t bore you with them, but they all involved inconsiderate/demanding family, friends, and coworkers. One night, after a particularly awful day of wedding planning (my mom flipped out because I didn’t want to include stamps on the RSVP envelopes to save some money, and she could not believe how crass and tacky I was being and screamed at me in the middle of the card store), I finally broke down and told my sweet, wonderful boyfriend that this wedding was a huge mistake. He was initially crushed, but when I finally managed to stop crying and speak coherently, I told him that THIS wedding was a mistake, but that us getting married was not, and could we please just chuck everything, runoff, and elope?
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