Clowns provide unlimited entertainment to people in the Hello Karen let’s go Brandon shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this circus. In a high-school, class clowns are those kids that are very difficult to manage. They are born rebels and they often get into trouble. They don’t follow the school rules and they aren’t scared of being suspended many times from school. Missing submission deadlines, coming late to the school, disrupting the class when a lecture is on, displaying objectionable behavior in the class, etc. are some of the everyday problems that these class clowns get into. In every school, there is always a group of students who are “best friends from kindergarten”! Two to three girls are usually part of this group. They never mingle with the other students in the class. They live in their own world and have their own secrets to share with each other. They spend every minute of their school time together. You may get ugly looks if you try to invade their privacy or if you try to sit in between two of them!
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